Friday, December 25, 2015

Why Christmas?

It's been 2 years since I lost that (super) excitement for Christmas. What gifts to buy? What clothes to wear? Party here, party there. I get frustrated with the christmas rush -- the traffic, the mall, the noise. Everything has been so commercialized. (Or does it come with age. 😝)

This morning I woke up early for work... Left the house while the sky was still deep blue dark, the cool breeze softly blowing, the streets so quiet. Waited for almost an hour only to catch an SRO bus that looked more like a service bus for children's excursion. A 50+-km bus ride, me standing, with only 4 hours of sleep (for the 4th straight day). Yeah. It's Christmas.

And so before this Christmas day ends, before I say "another day had passed," I asked myself what makes Christmas so special. I don't want to wrap up today as another day. I asked God to make me feel how special Christmas really is and He reminded me this song....

Christmas is about His glory
Christmas is about His grace
Christmas is a gift of love
Our father gave us
More than just another story
About a special time and place
Christmas is a time to lift
A song of praise
For God with us
And we celebrate
The glory of His presence
Christ has come
To fill our hearts with love
He came to save us
King of kings and Lord of lords
His Name is Jesus
God with us
Emmanuel has come
Angels fill the night with singing
God is reaching out to man
Bringing us a gift of hope
In Christ the Saviour
More than just a time of giving
This is God’s eternal plan
And Christmas is the reason
We can sing again