Thursday, March 12, 2009

Past. Present. Future. Living Life Fully...

Living in the past won’t bring us anywhere. When we focus so muchon what we had before, whether good or bad, we can’t enjoy whatever blessing we have at present.  Same goes when we try to live in the future. We seem to panic and worry that we can’t appreciate what we have at the moment.

Living in the present can also pose a danger as we tend to not move on, dwelling so much on the blessings of today that we can’t plan for what is ahead.

What do we do then?

I believe there’s nothing wrong if we reminisce yester years, if we enjoy today’s gifts, and plan for the days to come. It’s our attitude that counts. We don’t dwell so much on whatsoever happens. We live today to enjoy what God is giving us; looking back at our past to remember God’s faithfulness; and we trust our Savior that our future is in His hands.

What does this mean to me?

It means letting go of the things I’m clinging to…
And letting God have His way…
His sovereign will…

I thank God for every season of my life.
Season of pain, season of joy.
Season of mourning, season of celebration.
Season of stumbling down, season of triumph and victory.

 “In every season, I know You love me.. I know You love me...”

originally written 02082009
an excerpt from Ptr. Rico's sermon